Shave Dad Videos

Shave Dad works with content creators worldwide to help showcase and bring attention, marketing, and awareness to both the content creators and the artisans we partner with. These videos have been created as part of this project by our partnering content creators. Don’t forget to like and subscribe to these amazing content creators. They play a big role in helping the Shave Project build awareness. A special thank you goes out to all of our content creators!

3 Ring Circus by Matt Lawrence

3 Ring Circus by Matt Lawrence

Join Matthew for a Sunday shave featuring Strike Gold Shave’s “3 Ring Circus” soap. Discover tips, product reviews, and a cozy shaving experience!

The Shave Dad Razor by Sig Solo

The Shave Dad Razor by Sig Solo

Join Sig Solo for the final shave of July 2024, featuring the innovative Shave Dad Razor and aromatic Royal Pine soap. Smooth, efficient, and unique!