Hello, I’m Sig Solo, welcome to my channel. Today, in chapter number two of Shave Stick Stories, we will be looking at a shave stick from Cremo. Not many people know about it, in fact, I couldn’t find it online, so maybe it was only available for a short period of time. They still have the shave cream and tube available in three or four different variations. I have this shave stick in three different variations, and I will start with this one because I also have the well-known aftershave balm from Cremo in the same line, the one called “Refreshing Mint” that Sinatra Lenon uses all the time.

Let’s talk about the razor for today, which is the same one I used last week. It came from India, still made in India under a license, I believe, and it comes in a package labeled “Gillette 7 O’Clock Sterling”. The razor comes with 7 O’Clock Black Super Platinum blades, and the price on the package is 115 rupees, which is about $1.38. The razor has a plastic handle, a brass head, and a tech head, and it was made in October 2023. (104mm handle length)

Gillette 7 O'Clock Sterling

Gillette 7 O’Clock Sterling

I am using the same blade as in the last shaving stick story, the 7 O’Clock Black that came with the razor. This is the second use of the blade. Let’s get started. First, you take off the top, similar to an old-style deodorant. Twist the bottom to push the stick up, up, and up. Let’s prepare the face for the shave stick. I will be evaluating this shave stick based on the 5 S’s: simplicity of use, scent, scent strength, slickness, and skin feel.

This shave stick has a very fresh pepperminty and eucalyptus scent, very nice. I will evaluate the scent once it’s applied to the face. It takes some time to lather up, and maybe I overwatered the brush. The scent is strong, minty, and eucalyptus-like, but not overwhelming. It’s refreshing, just like the name suggests. The lathering process takes some effort, but it’s coming alive now.

The Indian Tech Sterling Razor 7 O’Clock with the traditional Tech head is a mild and slick razor. The shave stick feels cool on the face with a pleasant scent. I will give it a 3 for scent, a 3 for scent strength, and a 4 for slickness. The next criterion is simplicity of use, which I will evaluate after the second pass.

After lathering up, it’s time for the second pass. The soap is below $10, made specifically for shaving, and in shave stick form. The Cremo shave stick cost me $7 on eBay, which meets the price criteria. So far, the evaluation stands at 4 for simplicity of use, 3 for scent, 3 for scent strength, and 4 for slickness, totaling 14 points. Let’s see how it feels on the face before applying the aftershave balm.

The face feels nice, but a little dry, making it a 3 for skin feel. This brings the total score to 17 out of 25 for the Creo shave stick. Stay tuned for next week when I will be using the Spanish Latoya L. Thank you for watching, and don’t forget to like, subscribe, hit the bell, and share my video review (see below for full commentary in the video). Remember, we do this out of dedication, not obsession.

Sig Solo Out


Sig Solo

Sig Solo

Wet Shaving Hobbyist, Enthusiast, and Content Creator

Always remember:
We Are Not Obsessed – We Are Dedicated.#WAD

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