How’s it going? Welcome back to the banks of the Mackenzie River. I am Tobin, here for my review of El Magicp and El Azulado. In my previous shave review, I covered El Gavilan and El Peluquero. Quick recap of the wife scores: Alexis gave Gavilan an eight, Emily gave it a seven, and both girls gave Peluquero an eight.
Today, I’m going to shave with El Magico and review El Azulado the same way I did with Peluquero. In case you missed that video, these are part of a brand new soap and splash line from The Wet Shaving Store, created by artisan Shannon Constantine of Elysian Soaps. She has crafted the fragrances herself and developed a base that is slightly different from what she uses in Elysian Soaps.
Here is El Magico. I just finished applying the cube. It’s a 2.0 mentholated formula, and as summer is coming to an end, I thought, “Let’s get a little menthol in this.” This is my absolute personal favorite; El Azulado would be my second, Gavilan my third, and Peluquero my fourth. I like all of them, but this one is just right up my alley.

El Magico
I’ve already scooped some with my Frank’s G7 in the synthetic faux horn brush from The Wet Shaving Store. The lather on this is absolutely killer. The scent notes are quite simple on paper: cedar, cardamom, lavender, and oak moss. To describe the fragrance in simple terms, it’s a rich woody aromatic with a hint of spiciness and a touch of earthiness.
I can already tell I need more water. It only takes a tiny bit of the soap, and I mean just a little bit. If you’re used to using more soap, you can definitely use less and get away with it. This stuff blows up! I’ve got my stool to my left and a big giant rock literally right behind me. Let’s go with just a dash more. I feel like I added too much water; it’s kind of hard to see. I always want to show you guys, but I need another camera or a cameraman for that.
It’s late September—today is the 18th, which is a Wednesday. I hope to have this up for you by tonight or tomorrow morning. My goal is to post it by the morning of the 19th. These will be available on the 20th. I did not pay for any of these soaps and splashes, and I also did not pay for the razor that I’ll be using today. I’ll talk about that in a minute.
Before I put this soap on my face, I want to give you a good look at it because it creates an absolutely beautiful lather. The cedar in this scent is woody and slightly sweet, adding a ton of depth and warmth. This is the perfect fragrance for this time of year as we transition from summer to fall. All four of these are right between a three and a half to a four in terms of scent strength and projection. None of them are super strong, but they’re just right for shaving in the morning and heading straight to work or wherever you’re going without worrying about it being offensive.
I almost have this where I want it. The cardamom has a fresh, exotic aromatic quality to it. It’s the perfect cardamom. Shannon has been making fragrances for years; she came to us from the fragrance world, and you can see her expertise in every fragrance she creates. If you haven’t experienced El Azulado, I can’t stress enough not to overlook what Shannon is doing in Pennsylvania. Her lathering skills are top-notch; she is really killing it and deserves more recognition.
Speaking of recognition, you’ll have a chance to meet her on October 5th when she joins me for the next Artisan Community Canvas that I’m doing live here on YouTube. I’m going to get another spray of water on my face. The lavender in this fragrance is herbal and floral. When you think of lavender, that’s the kind you can expect from this—very light and subtle, offering a nice balance to what might otherwise be a darker fragrance. It adds a great balance so that you don’t smell the lavender immediately, but when you take the time to appreciate the fragrance, you’ll catch that lavender note, which is perfect, just like this gorgeous lather.

El Magico Lather
The oak moss brings an earthy, slightly leathery note to the fragrance, anchoring and grounding it beautifully. My wife gives this a nine, Emily gives it an eight, and I would give it a ten all day long. This is a Tobin kind of fragrance right here; I love it!
Now, onto El Azulado. This one is really cool. Shannon created it based on a fragrance she made a year or two ago, which was a shout-out to old-school Aqua Velva. This new version feels like Aqua Velva meets 2024. It’s as if you took the same people who made the original Aqua Velva and had them create a fragrance for today—a blend as if Aqua Velva and Davidoff’s Cool Water had a baby.
Before I go into the scent notes, Naked Armor contacted me and wanted to send me a razor. They told me to pick one out, and this is the one I chose. This is not my review of the razor; I will include it in a razor review series. I’ve had it for a couple of weeks and have used it five or so times. It came with a pack of Feather blades, and today I’m using a first-use Bano, one of my absolute favorite blades. I would say this razor shaves a lot like an Edwin Jagger DE89 but perhaps with a little more efficiency. The head isn’t exactly the same, but it is similar.
Now, the scent notes for El Azulado are peppermint, clary sage, bergamot, camphor, lavender, oak moss, labdanum, and musk. The musk is super mild, which contributes to it feeling like a more modern version of the original scent. The splash is the only one in the essential line that has menthol in it.
Shaving outdoors is a whole different experience, especially when you’re not using a mirror. I’ve gotten to the point where using a mirror has just become a hassle. I’ve got my rinse bowl right here to my left, and I should probably apply some water to my face. The menthol from the tube feels great; I can feel it with the crispness of this late summer air. Let’s add some more water—oh yeah, that feels refreshing.
If you like Aqua Velva or Davidoff’s Cool Water, you’re going to love El Azulado. I guarantee you, you’ll absolutely enjoy it. The menthol strength is around a four for me, which is about average, so if you’re sensitive to menthol, this shouldn’t bother you. It’s not a menthol bomb or anything like that.
This Thursday—if you’re watching this after I upload it—Barry, aka Texan Shaves, is joining me for a live shave and chat. We’ve got some giveaways lined up, and then on October 5th, Shannon Constantine, the artisan behind Elysian Soaps, will join me. The first weekend in November, Pete Hendricks also joins me. I haven’t settled on an exact date for Black Friday weekend yet, but it will probably end up being Saturday. Douglas Smythe of Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements will join us then.
For October, I think it will be Patrick Croman or Glenn Sherman—I’m getting it confused; it’s either Patrick first and then Glenn, but we’re all set up for live events through November. We shave every third Thursday, and the Artisan Community Canvas happens the first Saturday of every month, with the exception of the Black Friday–Thanksgiving special.
I hope you all had a great summer—I did. It flew by way too quickly! I can’t believe Emily is back in school and summer is over. As for Astro Travelers, they’re coming back, which should make many of you very happy. That’s a great fragrance from Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements.
Remember, when shopping at The Wet Shaving Store, if you use my code “TOBIN” you’ll save 10% on most items. There are some exclusions like new releases, and I’m not sure if my discount code will apply to these soaps at first. However, if it doesn’t apply immediately, it likely will after a while.
I just finished reviewing the Rockwell razor, and in virtually every razor that I’ve tested, they all provide a great shave. I could use a third pass for a BBS finish, but in a few minutes, this will be a damn fine shave. I do feel that the cheeks are perfect; my trouble spots are always right here around my jawline, and I imagine yours are similar.
I want to thank Naked Armor for sending me the razor, and for these brushes, if you buy them, you get 15% off the soap.
That discount should apply to new products as well. They also have the black handle with the Frank’s G5, and they have that black and white one that I used the other day with the G5. This one has the G7, and the G5 and G7 are easily two top-notch synthetic brushes. I really love them.
I still need to include them in my brush review series. It’s been tough trying to catch up on that. The Everlasting Alum from Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements is something I use basically as an astringent, skin tightener, and toner. If you’re a new wet shaver, this can help you easily identify any spots you may have missed in your shave. You can also use it to give your fingers extra grip if you’re handling something a bit slippery.
With my gingerly fair skin, I like to use it to tighten my pores, as I find it helps a lot. I would typically change my post-shave routine at this point and apply witch hazel, but there is witch hazel in the splash I’m using. With this splash from Shannon, I’ve been happy to get just as good results as I would with any other splash on the market, and I find that to be true with all of her splashes.
I’m thoroughly looking forward to having her on. I hope that by November or December, Andy Amaya will be feeling better, as I’d love to have him join us for a Community Canvas. I need to get November and December scheduled.
I want to thank you all for joining me here on the banks of the Mackenzie River. If you’re watching this on Thursday the 19th, I’ll be live at 4:00 p.m. Pacific, 7:00 p.m. Eastern, with Barry Bedford of Texan Shaves joining me. I’m looking forward to it; Barry is great people.
Take care, and I’ll see you next time.
The Essentials will be availble on Friday, September, 20th!

Tobin's Throwbacks
Wet Shaving Hobbyist, Enthusiast, and Technical Expert
It’s the little big things!
This content has been published with permission from the original author.