Shave Dad Videos
Shave Dad works with content creators worldwide to help showcase and bring attention, marketing, and awareness to both the content creators and the artisans we partner with. These videos have been created as part of this project by our partnering content creators. Don’t forget to like and subscribe to these amazing content creators. They play a big role in helping the Shave Project build awareness. A special thank you goes out to all of our content creators!
Jelly Rings Shave Dad Release with Strike Gold
Join Mike at Long Island Shaving for the exciting “Jelly Ring” release review! Experience the perfect chocolate-raspberry shave on Feb 7, limited to 50 sets.
Shave Dad Razor and Pumping Iron by DjChubbs William Cox
Join DJ Chubbs for a smooth shaving experience with the Pumping Iron and the Shave Dad razor. Discover top tips, techniques, and products for the perfect shave!
3 Ring Circus by Matt Lawrence
Join Matthew for a Sunday shave featuring Strike Gold Shave’s “3 Ring Circus” soap. Discover tips, product reviews, and a cozy shaving experience!
The Shave Dad Razor by Sig Solo
Join Sig Solo for the final shave of July 2024, featuring the innovative Shave Dad Razor and aromatic Royal Pine soap. Smooth, efficient, and unique!
Shave Dad 3 Ring Circus by Tobin’s Throwbacks
Join Tobin for a lively review of the cotton candy-inspired fragrance “Three Ring Circus.” Discover tips, exclusive offers, and upcoming live chats!
Shaving with 3 Ring Circus by John Bonham
Join John from Cape Cod Wet Shaving for a quick, delightful shave featuring the scrumptious Three Ring Circus soap—gourmand lovers won’t want to miss this!
Shave Dad Sambuca by Passione Rasatura [Italian]
A video review of Shave Dad’s Sambuca Con La Mosca by Passione Rasatura; an Italian wet shaving enthusiast, hobbyist, and reviewer.
Review of Shave Dad’s Biumo Tattoo Club by The Deacon Shaves
A video review of Shave Dad’s Biumo Tattoo Club by The Deacon Shaves!
A Shave with Biumo Tattoo Club by Brandon Shaves
A video review of Shave Dad’s Biumo Tattoo Club by Brandon Shaves!
Shave Dad Biumo Tattoo Club Review by Subie Shaves
A video review of Shave Dad’s Biumo Tattoo Club by Subie Shaves!
Biumo Tattoo Club by the Long Island Shaver
A video review of Shave Dad’s Biumo Tattoo Club by The Long Island Shaver!
First Impression of Biumo Tattoo Club by Tobin’s Throwbacks
A first impression video of Shave Dad’s Biumo Tattoo Club by Tobin’s Throwbacks! Learn the key points about Biumo Tattoo Club.
Sambuca Review by the Long Island Shaver
A video review of Shave Dad’s Sambuca by The Long Island Shaver!
Sambuca by Shave Dad, The Wet Shaving Store, and Strike Gold by The Deacon Shaves
A video review of Shave Dad’s Sambuca by The Deacon Shaves!
Review of Louie by Marion the Barbarion
A video review of Shave Dad’s Louie by Marion the Barbarion!
Commando Spotlight by Jeff Shaves
A video spotlight on Shave Dad’s Commando by Jeff Shaves!
Full Review of Commando by Tobin’s Throwbacks
A full video review of Shave Dad’s Commando by Tobin’s Throwbacks! An in-depth review of Commando by the expert himself, Tobin Fetters!
Commando Review by Mark Szorday
An in depth video review of Shave Dad’s Commando by the one and only Mark Szorady!
First Impression of Commando by Tobin’s Throwbacks
A first impression video of Shave Dad’s Commando by Tobin’s Throwbacks! Learn all the key points about Commando.
Review of Louie by The Deacon Shaves
A video review of Shave Dad’s Louie by The Deacon Shaves!